Hong Kong Immigration

Hong Kong is one of the most coveted immigration destinations as it is now emerging as an economic, social and cultural hub for the Asia-Pacific region. Immigration to Hong-Kong cannot enhance your quality of life, but can also add tremendous value to your resume and boost your career prospects. Following are the pathways for Hong Kong immigration.

  1. Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)
  2. General Employment Policy

Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) is a quota based immigration scheme for entry to Hong Kong. It is intended for skilled individuals and entrepreneurs who wish to opt for to Hong Kong immigration in order to pursue professional careers and start-up businesses respectively. To be eligible to secure entry into the port city under the QMAS, applicants filing for Hong Kong work visa must satisfy a number of prerequisites, along with clearing a points-based test and competing for quota allocation. Successful applicants are granted Hong Kong work visa for one year and are allowed to bring their family provided they can sustain them with their own income. The eligibility criteria for the scheme is as follows

Key Requirements and Eligibility:

  1. Applicants interested in immigration to Hong Kong must be minimum 18 years old at the time of filing application.
  2. Applicants who are keen on Hong Kong immigration must be capable of supporting themselves financially in getting accommodation, as well as providing support to their dependents.
  3. Applicants applying for Hong Kong work visa must not possess any criminal record or previous negative immigration record in Hong Kong. The applicant should be able to provide Police clearance certificate for all countries where he/she has stayed for more than 12 months in last 10 years.
  4. Applicants who are intent on Hong Kong immigration must prove their proficiency in written as well as spoken English or Chinese. Applicants with a score of an average of 6.0 in IELTS are eligible to apply under QMAS.
  5. Ideally, an applicant for Hong Kong work visa should have an undergraduate degree, earned from a recognized university/institution in first class. If an applicant, who is considering migrate to Hong Kong does not possess a degree, his/her technical qualifications, professional experience, and achievements are taken into consideration. Applicants for Hong Kong work visa with higher postgraduate degrees stand an excellent chance of getting an application accepted.

Stages for Hong Kong Immigration under QMAS

The following are the stages that one would need to go through in order to apply for immigration to Hong Kong under QMAS

Dependents of visa holder

The immediate dependents of the visa holder will be allowed to enter the country along with the primary applicant, provided that it can be demonstrated with sufficient proof that he or she has the funds to support his or her family.

General Employment Policy

This visa intended for applicants who aspire to enter/stay in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) under the General Employment Policy scheme

Eligibility criteria

  1. The applicant should have a crime free record
  2. The applicant should be in possession of a good education background with a first class degree in the relevant field of study, In special cases, technical qualifications and relevant experience will also be considered
  3. The applicant needs to have a confirmed employment offer for a position that is relevant to his qualifications and experience and the vacancy for the position is genuine and is not filled by local work force.
  4. The remuneration being offered should be in line with the prevailing market level for employees working in a similar and comparable job in the HKSAR.

Criteria for dependents

Once granted the visa, the immediate dependents of the primary applicant can accompany the applicant, provided they satisfy the following criteria

  1. There should be reasonable proof of a genuine relationship between the primary applicant and the dependent. Proof can be established through the relevant documents such as Marriage certificate, Birth certificate etc.
  2. There is no reason to believe that the move is harmful to the dependent
  3. The primary applicant can support the dependent at a standard that is fairly above the level of subsistence level and also arrange for accommodation for him/her


How much time does it take for processing Hong Kong Visa?

The visa for Hong Kong immigration typically takes six to eight weeks for processing. However the processing time can vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for as well as your specific case. It is best that you consult with our immigration experts to know the exact details of processing time for your case.

Can dependents take up employment in Hong Kong?

Yes dependents of permanent residents as well as professionals who have entered Hong Kong under the employment scheme or Quality Migrant Assessment scheme are allowed to work in Hong Kong